We’re a team of seasoned entrepreneurs with decades worth of experience in building internet companies.
We bring this knowledge to every company we invest in.

Grzegorz Kazulak
Managing Partner
Serial entrepreneur & angel investor. Co-founded EL Passion (exited to Daftcode), Positionly (now Unamo), and Flatcare. Led day-to-day operations at all of the companies, their revenue growth as well as M&A efforts.

Kuba Filipowski
Co-founder of Netguru, a leading software development company in Europe. Witnessed the growth from 0 to more than 700 employees and more than 70M+ USD in revenue.

Wiktor Schmidt
Co-founder and the first CEO of Netguru, a leading software development company in Europe. Technology enthusiast, investor, and connector. Was responsible for day-to-day operations & revenue growth.

Daniel Surmacz
Co-founder & COO of RTB House. Has helped grow the company to 900 + employees. Led the expansion of the RTB House in over 30 locations around the globe. RTB House generates more than 200M USD in revenue annually.